The Shonen Junkies (and The Manga Monday Show) debuted on March 21st, 2022, and was created by two lifelong friends, Edgar Palacios and Ben Stegmair. Ben and Edgar started this channel and podcast to grow as storytellers and connect with a community that loves manga and anime just as much as they do.
The Manga Monday Show podcast releases every Monday. You can find it on Youtube, Anchor, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Videos are posted regularly on The Shonen Junkies Youtube Channel, these videos include; The One Piece Half-Blind Review Series, Game Shows/Quizzes, Anime Movie Reviews, Reactions, Tier Lists and so much more!
If you love anime and manga and want to stay up to date with the latest news and productions coming out of Japan, then The Shonen Junkies are here for you!
Check out our Linktree for all our links: